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Rat-killers and bonfire range

Canadian Log



FALO’ Canadian Logs by Saratoga represent the fast, safe and clean alternative to traditional burning logs. Makes easy the lighting of a fire in the fireplace even for those with the least experience:  only one match is needed to quickly light the log and obtain a live and pleasant flame in an instant.

FALO’ Canadian Logs burn for a long time and burn completely and cleanly: they produce less visible smoke, release a smaller amount of carbonic oxides into the air as compared to common wood and notably reduce tar and soot deposits in the fireplace.

FALO’ Canadian Logs are ideal for holiday residences and for those who use the fireplace only at intervals and wish to avoid the typical inconveniences of a classical fire: smoke, ash deposits in the hearth, inability to keep wood in proximity of the fireplace, mess, time spent lighting and attending to the flame.

To keep the fireplace in tip-top shape, we recommend the use at least at the beginning of every season of the FALO’ Fireplace-Cleaning Log, the product specially formulated for the cleaning of chimneys: effective and completely safe action with the same ease of use as the FALO’ Canadian Logs.

EAN Code:
8 005860 997431
1100 g